Fundamental Principles of Network Cooperation
The artistic collaboration is taking place continuously.
The teams responsible for projects, programs and cooperations – especially those people in leading positions – should be comprised of a majority of team members who tend to be excluded from access to available resources or who belong to socially marginalized groups: e.g. people who have experienced forced displacement or migration, minorities, LGTBIQ, people who experience discrimination etc.
Collaborations are process-oriented and designed with a clear focus on needs, dialog and diversity. Projects are not limited to one-sided program offers; instead they should be developed collectively with the project participants based on their wishes and needs.
The needs of project members and participants and/or demands related to their political emancipation will be taken seriously beyond the immediate scope of the project work and will be supported.
Artistic creation as part of the Berlin Mondiale network is always understood within the context of social conditions and political practices and concerns.
One’s own work and practice will be continuously assessed, questioned and reflected upon critically, with the outcome informing further collaboration.
There is openness towards change and growth, as well as flexibility in light of changing circumstances.
Interest in project development and guidance is pro-active and there is openness towards (critical) input or interventions.
Increasing diversity within an art establishment, institution or collective is understood and promoted as a task that cuts across all levels of the organization. The cooperation with Berlin Mondiale is clearly communicated within the institution and is supported by its leadership.
Sustained efforts to commit own project funds and/or acquire third party funding are a component of the partnership.
Everyone involved in the partnership is contributing to the visibility of the network as well as that of their own practice, with a focus on:
- their own artistic creation
- an exchange within the network
- a sharing of resources with people both within and outside of the network
- political positioning and communal political action.
A commitment to network on the local as well as on a city-wide level reaches beyond immediate cooperation or partnership concerns.
Attendance (at annually at least three) Berlin Mondiale events/meetings/trainings is mandatory. Participation in qualification courses and/or workshops is an inherent aspect of the partnership.
Berlin Mondiale 2019
The criteria on which Berlin Mondiale cooperations are based derive from current requirements for artistic collaboration in the context of migration, forced displacement and exile. They are adapted and revised continually, in accordance with political and social developments.